Every week I find it really difficult to sit down and try and write
a brief email describing what all happened that week. There are so many
different moments, exchanges, and people that we meet. It leaves a
remarkable, variety of feelings and emotions that is hard to summarize
-or even remember! This week was no exception. Tuesday
was really amazing. We met with A, and taught her lesson three (The
Gospel). She has a LOT of difficulties going on in her life right now,
but really wants to change her life. She really has the gift of faith.
That night, we talked to her about baptism and she accepted a baptismal
invitation! She has a few trials that she needs to overcome, but I know
that she can.
Our district goal is to have 20 contacts a day. The other night at 8 pm, we still needed 9 more contacts to reach our goal. It was dark and fairly empty in town. So, (thanks to dad's mission stories!!) I had the idea to go contact in a laundromat. That got us the last few we needed for the day! YAY!!!
Our district goal is to have 20 contacts a day. The other night at 8 pm, we still needed 9 more contacts to reach our goal. It was dark and fairly empty in town. So, (thanks to dad's mission stories!!) I had the idea to go contact in a laundromat. That got us the last few we needed for the day! YAY!!!
was a little rougher. We got dropped by a young family that we were
really hopeful about. I guess everything is in the Lord's perfect
we drove up to Lexington for a Zone Conference and were taught about The Book of Mormon and what a powerful tool it truly is.
Guess what?? I discovered some fun things in our house this week including a working sewing machine, a full-size crock pot and 2 Aloe Vera plants. (I am so excited to get a sunburn now!!). Some Elders in our District found a mouse in their apartment. I felt so blessed to find these treasures!!
Guess what?? I discovered some fun things in our house this week including a working sewing machine, a full-size crock pot and 2 Aloe Vera plants. (I am so excited to get a sunburn now!!). Some Elders in our District found a mouse in their apartment. I felt so blessed to find these treasures!!
night, we went tracting and met this really friendly woman who was out
feeding stray cats! Before we'd barely gotten a "hello" out, she invited
us in, and started telling us her life's story. She told us how she had
lived all over the world when she had job with the government, lost her only child and grandchild in tragic accidents, broken her
neck and spent years recovering as a quadriplegic and had a miraculous recovery. I almost couldn't believe this woman except she had a huge scar on her neck and she was showing us all sorts of pictures. Finally, with no idea what to do
next, she had simply gotten on the freeway until she felt prompted to get
off at an exit and stop, which is how she ended up here in Corbin!She
says she was very surprised after living in the deep south and also all
over the world because there is NO place like Corbin... and I believe it! ha ha!! She told us straight up that we didn't need to worry about her
soul, she KNEW her Savior. And she surely did. I felt the Spirit very
strongly, so I think we will stop by again sometime and try and read
some of The Book of Mormon with her. She said she wasn't going to join any church and just wanted to be non-denominational. She works with homeless women and said her faith has kept her grounded through out her life.
Ahhhh...that's where the TREE OF LIFE is!! |
This week we also have done a fair bit of service and raked several
yards! It is beautiful here with all the colorful leaves, especially
when we drive out to Williamsburg, which is more in the country. We have
also had a lot of member-present lessons and they all have gone really
well! The nights that we were unable to get a member with us ended up
going pretty poorly and a lot of plans fell through, so I definitely
have had an increased testimony of working with members!
Each week is an adventure with its ups and downs. One moment will be incredibly happy or funny, and the next will be discouraging or really sad.We got "The Trumpet" this week, which is Sis W's (mission president's wife) newsletter for the GKLM missionaries. In it it had parting words of advice from missionaries. One of them said something along the lines of "no amount of success you have on your mission will be entirely yours, but neither will any amount of rejection." It's become so important for me to use The Atonement, and to deepen my personal relationship with Christ. I know that He truly walks beside each of us during our trials and hardships and also during our successes.
Sister J celebrated her 6 month mark. We had a chocolate chip cookie cake and I made her blow out a candle for it!
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Happy 6 months to Sister J! |
You asked what new Southern words I now use. I say "blessed" a lot. Or "bless my soul!" I hear a lot of words that my North Carolina family uses, like britches, papaw, and mamaw.
You also asked what my favorite part of the day is and I have to say "lunch!" Duh. ha ha! Other than that, dinner especially when we have a member meal. Or another favorite part is getting the mail or anytime there is a spiritual 'peak' in the day. Oh, and definitely BEDTIME. I have gained a healthy respect for it! (Note: That comment on bedtime was a joyful moment for me. I sighed so loud, you probably heard it!! See, we used to joke about Ashlyn being nocturnal.)
I hope that you all have a wonderful week...
-Sister Ashlyn Galloway